Search through 500 million images and videos

Right of use included in standard or extented licence

Incredible stock. Flexible pricing. Buy credits and start downloading today.

Royalty-free library Stocklib USA

Daily renewal of the images stock

With more than 140,000 photographers, illustrators and videographers contributing to the platform every day, you are guaranteed to find the images you need to illustrate all your projects. Visit our blog or join the Stocklib community on our Discord to discuss on how to use or search for images!

Stop looking for free images on royaly-free stock agencies, opt for the platform that pays its contributors

Use STOCKLIB to download from 450 million images in standard or extended license. Say goodbye to the poor and repetitive content of free stock images. Say hello to Stocklib USA, and its high quality of images and videos, exploitation rights included.

They trust us, as well as thousands of others...


All the images available on are available with a royalty-free exploitation license. If you cannot find the content you need on free stock images websites, with Stocklib USA you benefit from a paid and legal download offer with more than 450 million images available on the platform.

You can use downloaded images across all territories, on all supports (print or web), unlimited time, without having to worry about the rights related to the exploitation of these images. Our photo library assigns you a usage licence for each downloaded image made with credits. This right is permanently granted to you with the standard license for your editorial / communication projects, and with the extended license for images to be use on packaging or for resale.


The price of images sold on is quite competitive. It takes into account a fair remuneration for the creative ecosystem by paying contributors up to 80% of the sales generated on the platform. This guarantees you will find the image you need because our network of photographers, illustrators and videographers submit thousands of files every day on a circular economy model. Free stock images do not allow contributors to make a decent living from their profession and jeopardize their status.

You will find on photos and illustrations that are sometimes identical to other image banks, from the same photographers. This is normal because many of our contributors seek maximum visibility for their content. Our download credits are valid for 1 year and allow you to download images throughout the year, without paying royalties.

Visit this page to see the credits pricing.


Every single images you will find has been checked in detail to make sure it meets our technical, aesthetical and legal compliance. Our images must be irreproachable to offer our customers a total security to the exploitation of these images. All images with identifiable models are cleared to use, unless otherwise stated. You can use our image bank in total peace of mind for your commercial, advertising or editorial projects.

Buy an image on means that no additional rights will be charged for the exploitation of this image by you or your company.

Contact our Customer Service if you need more information about our royalty-free exploitation licences.

Incredible stock. Flexible pricing. Buy credits and start downloading today.